
Dolomite 2nd day - Finally arrived - 6:00pm.

Walking walking walking..
and a bit lost...
We kept going up and down, magnificent scenery changes every 30min. 
and this solid rock track was not fun.  not easy. 

After the long long rock track climbing, this landscape welcomed us. 
Very quiet. 

Finally made it...
We nearly missed our dinner!!! 

what a long long day.  We start walking at 8am, then got to our 2nd Refugio at 6pm.

Dolomite Hiking 2nd Day

We stayed at Refugio Prato Piazza at 1st night.
The food, room, staff, everything was so, so...BUT the location was the best!!
absolutely love this area.  We got up early to start early walk - but after about 1 hour walk started, we finally realised that one of the track (no.2 Track) we wanted to go through is closed due to the land slide..

We lost about 1.5 hours to realise this.
Then - we took bus to drove down the mountain to get to another road.  This took about 1.5 hours.  so we end up lost our very important 3 hours of walking time in the morning.

 Hiking Start!

But.. our planned track was closed.  Very disappointing.
This is the landslide above the No.2 track.
We could hear the continuous rock sliding sounds... Lucky we realised and went back.

After loosing morning 3 hours, we tried to catch up to our plan, so just kept on climbing for about 2 hours. very steep and long climb, and we had a best little rest at refugio.  Surprisingly the food is incredibly delicious and not too expensive.


Hiking in Dolomite Day 1.

As you might know, I really love Silvia Trkman and the reason why I own border collies is I was influenced by Silvia.  Back in 2006, I started watching Youtube videos for University study break and I learned dogs really give me the best relaxation :)
While I was at Uni, I had a goal -  "When I graduate from school and got a job, I will have a Border Collie"
I found Silvia's blog and looking at her hiking photos really made me happy!  Hiking at amazing European Alpes also became one of my another dream! We can't bring my dogs to Europe, but we did hike where Silvia was hiking with her dogs!  Dolomite in Italy!  
Here is a photos of Silvia's Dolomite hiking: 

シルビアのファンでずっと彼女をフォローしているのはご存知かもしれませんが、実はボーダーを飼い始めたのもシルビアの影響を受けたからなのです。 2006年、まだオーストラリアに引っ越して来たばかりの当時、大学の試験や課題の勉強で疲れた時に、犬のビデオを見るとかなりリラックスが出来る事が解り、それから随分と色々なビデオを疲れた時に見ていたのですが、そこではまったのがシルビアのサイトと彼女が犬達とアジリティをしたり、ヨーロッパアルプスをハイキングしている写真達。 大学中、卒業して仕事が持てたらボーダーを飼う!という目標があったから、頑張れたのかもしれません。 
その目標のもう一つがヨーロッパのアルプスをハイキングする!でした。 随分と実現までに時間がかかりましたが、やっと ハイキングの夢が叶いました。

Day 1: September 12th Monday
This morning, sadly we said good bye to Gabi, her family and Bono and Big Apple, We left the most relaxed and beautiful town Klagenfurt :( 
People's life in Klagenfurt really inspired us.  We are very happy to found the life that we are going to aim for! Gabi and Robert, and her children and dogs, 
You are such a inspiration to us :)   

We drove along the Klagenfurt lake, then drove through numbers of old villages with beautiful architecture, there are so many old churches on top of the hill and it was so beautiful to see the historical buildings.  
We kept driving between the alps for about 3.5 hours, then finally got to the first Rifugio Prato Piazza.    We really wanted to stay next door Rifugio, but it was all booked.  

But no matter we couldn't stay where we wanted to stay, the location was absolutely magnificent!!! What a beautiful landscape.   The first thing I notice was silence. 
In Australia, we always hear birds sounds in the back ground -  but there was no sounds at all here.  Just you can hear those beautiful cow's bell from far distance and that is absolutely like an ambient music.   Melt our hearts. 

We did quick walk until the sunset to look around the area and had a early dinner, which was a little disappointing for Refugio's food, We went to sleep early to fill up our energy for our big day out! 

9/12 5日間も滞在させてもらったGabiとファミリーに泣く泣くお別れをして、めざすドロミテまでは約 3時半程のドライブ。ドライブの途中 数えきれない程 丘の上の教会や歴史のある街を見る事ができました。 そして山道をぐんぐんのぼって、やっと ドロミテ山脈へ到着。 初めて見る巨大な岩肌 と大自然に圧巻しました。 
第一印象は、とにかく静か。 人や車の音、鳥の声、風邪の音、全くの 無音状態。 
牛についたベルがチリンチリンと まるでアンビエントミュージックのように すごく心地よく 遠くで聞こえる。 
こんなに心地のいい静けさを経験したのは 産まれて始めてかもしれない。 



Agility trial in Slovenia

September 10th Saturday, We visit Slovenian Agility competition with Gabi. 
The venue was located in the middle of beautiful Slovenian mountain valley.
Not only stunning location with layers and layers of mountains, there was also crystal clear mountain river stream and very well looked after community or shared garden right next to the competition. I assume all the vegetable has full of mountain mineral water, looks very healthy and full of nutrition :) Yum! 

We set up shade tent before the course set up :D Gabi is very organised!!
This never happened to me in my whole agility life. lol 

Not only the location, the organization and people were really lovely.  People brought beautiful cakes and sweets to collect donation to replace jumps.  Very good idea to get donation for updating equipment.  The cake were really tasty, the best quality sweets and yes, we donate a lot to swap with those best looking and delicious cakes!

Too many sweets photos :) 

Another surprise was I saw 2 police man hanging out at the competition with glass of beer! I'm not really sure they were working, but on police uniform.. so we thought they were at work :) Probably not much crime happening here!

It was comfortable temperature in the morning, but afternoon had quite strong sun. The organiser did made announcement to not leave your dogs in the car.  
I notice many people uses Silver sun reflection cloth over the car, and it reflect 70% of sun.  Nice product for Australian sun and I always wanted to buy this.  This is going to be my souvenir!

Anyways, back to agility. There was only one ring in this competition so most of people had only 2 runs in all one day. A1 (Novice) and A2 (Excellent) start in the morning, and compete in the morning only.  A3 starts in the afternoon, this means when you became A3, you can wake up at 10 or 11 am, then come to competition in the afternoon!! Or you can go home and relax in the afternoon when you are competing with A1 or A2 dogs.  How nice is this system?

I think having a one ring only - makes people very relax and watch other people's runs. You can really concentrate on your dog, never need to rush like here in Australia, always have so many runs in a day. I saw many handlers are helping another handler at course walk, giving some handling tips.

People are looking at competition result and time. 
The result is up on the board as soon as the competition finished. 

One of the jumping course in A2.
Courses were very nice.  I really liked A3 course! Challenging yet fast and flows well. 

After watched everyone's run all day, we felt we were so lucky to watched very high quality agility and very relaxed and happy dogs at this competition.  There are so many famous top handlers, I always watch those peoples run on youtube, but videos never captures their connection with the dogs so it was very exciting for me to watch how those people play and warm up/ cool down their dogs, and how they reward dogs!  

How cool to hang out with Puppy Diary star, Silvia's To and Monika's Sheltie Seven? 
Unfortunately To had a toe injury so we couldn't watch her run this day, but wow, she is pretty and super friendly ❤  

 I saw many shaved Border Collie and Shelties!! wow :D

Bi's amazing cik/cap ❤
Silvia practicing start stay with Le just before her run. 

As we are not even allowed to tug with dogs in the ring or even after the run, Slovenian dogs excitement/ speed or happiness is completely different level to Australian competition.  It is the most stupid rules we have and truly old fashion, I believe this rule came from obedience competition, and we felt that we really really needs to change this rule to achieve "Real Agility". 
I felt it is most important thing to consider right now, upgrading equipment is next!!. 
I hope Australian competition will be more relaxed about it and allow people to train at the competition someday. Restriction for tugging and "must put dogs on lead before leave the ring" totally putting dog's excitement off.  

Super midget in action!! Wow a real Le was super fast, (everyone knows she is super fast, but actually she was faster than you see on video!)  
I just couldn't believe that my camera actually caught her running :) 

 Perfect Matej's Juice! 

Here is a video of the wonderful day's run. (Miha and Duce) 