
Ada Tree Walk

土曜のハーディングは天候の為キャンセルになったので 早起きして前から行きたかったGipsland、Mt.BowBow近くのレインフォレストまで2時間運転して、2時間のブッシュウオークをしてきました。大きなシダや巨大な木に囲まれた誰も居ない森の中をコトと一緒に駆け回り、ADA Treeというヴィクトリアで一番の巨木を見てきました。大きさは75M,樹齢300年,重さは225トンだそうです。どれだけ大きいか解りますか?WAでみたTree of the Giantの方が大きかったけどこのアダツリーも大きかった!大きすぎて上の方は全く見えませんでした。。
早めに出たので4時半からのハーディングスクールの特集があったTalk To The Animalsも見れました!琴もディーン、そろってテレビに出ましたよ!DVDが手に入ったらアップロードしま〜す。夜は久しぶりに友人の日本食レストランへ!美味しいご飯とお酒と友達と沢山のおしゃべり楽しかった♪ 充実した大満足な一日でした!
Herding was canceled today so we got up very early and did excellent bush walking instead.  It was just beautiful! We drove about 2hours from Melbourne to get to "Ada Tree walk" near Mt.bow bow in Gippsland, this area is covered in deep rain forest.  Fern, big trees and deep green moss. Ada Tree was75M height, 300years old and 225tons in weight! Pretty big hey? I was worried about Koto's pads all the way which were just about healing, still pad skin were very thin so being wet for long time was risk of back in injury but she was careful and enjoyed walking! Koto and my partner were on TV show "Talk to the Animals" featuring a part of herding school!   Great to see them!!
We also went out for our friend's Japanese restaurant "en" for dinner.  If anyone who loves Japanese food, I recommend this restaurant!  Very good:)
Catching up with some friends, had a great food and sake.  It was wonderful day!


Jarque! came over

ジャックが家に来た!ジャックは琴の初恋の相手と言っても過言ではない!うちからすく近くに住むサリーと4歳オスのジャックには琴が小さな頃から良く散歩中に会ったら一緒に歩いていたので、とにかく二人が大好きで溜まらない。しっぽブンブン振りすぎて座る事も出来ないくらい必ず大興奮します!犬が苦手なのにジャックにだけは”遊ぼ遊ぼ遊ぼぉぉー”と本当にしつこい。。必死にプレイボウポーズとったり顔舐めたりなーんとお腹まで見せる(他の犬にやってるのは見た事がありません)写真でも耳が傾きっぱなしですよ〜。日曜に初めて家で一緒にお茶をしましたが、ジャックは人間の方が好きみたいで私達にべったり(笑)可愛い♪ でも琴の遊ぼ攻撃またも叶わず、、。

Koto is in LOVE with Blue Marle BC Jarque and his owner Sally since she was little pup. He was the first Border collie koto have met and she always admire him from bottom of her heart and Sally! On Sunday she tried so hard as usual to make him play with her impressive play bow but no success as usual. He was very affectionate and friendly to people! (I loved him!!)Great to see his personality here.  it was Beautiful Sunday afternoon:)


learning still

今 学期は3科目の勉強をしています。都市生活や公共スペースのデザインを課題としたスタジオのクラスでは専用のブログ、eメール, Vimeo, Skypeのアカウントを立ち上げています。生徒全員で毎週の課題をブログに投稿したり、プレゼンテーションビデオをアップロードしたり、海外のデザイ ナーや建築士、ランドスケープアーティスト、プロダクトデザイナー等とスカイプでミーティングや授業を受けたりと完全online, ペーパーレス!過去の生徒の作品や毎週の課題の確認や生徒同士でディスカッションも出来ます!本当に経済的で環境に優しくてとにかく便利. 

I am learning 3 subjects this semester, one of the studio class is based on "urban practice" it has build up own topic blog, viemo account, email account, skype account to share with lectures and students, This is collaborating subject with industrial designers and architects,  share videos that students made, international lectures by skype!  it is totally online based submission and no-paper!  Very economical and environmentally friendly:)  I am loving it!


lets make a noise

Koto is sound sensitive.  She used to hate sound of stainless steel, as soon as we start washing dishes she run to under the chair and hide. She never used to hung out in the kitchen. After doing this practice few times, reinforcing her to make noise that she HATE on her own.. create a big confident on her and get use to this sound. This video is showing the little progress of her confident building! (some click is too late.. yes, that's me) I am now changed this practice to foundation of agility see-saw.  Using crate and more bigger sound to create!  So Far So Good!
最近はクレートとさらに大きな音の出る物を使って音を自分で出す練習をアジのシーソーの基礎練習として やってます。


10th Herding and little agility fun

wow!  We've done 10 herding lessons already!  Did we improved??  Hmm..Koto still run into sheep, barks at them, still challenging dean if she can take over total control out of him and delay to his commands. She is not bad though, but not good. Not really improving as much as other working dogs. I did record on video but it was pretty chaotic herding (no.. chasing!)
We have been trying to understand and studying more sheep herding by internet,  books and videos. I found BC breeder and sheepdog trainer in England called "Astra Sheepdog centre" they provide seminar of "Natural Canine Communication."  Essential skill for the beginner handler as it ensures a quick understanding of the complex and almost invisible communication between the dog and sheep. 
it is easy, stress and pain free way for both dog, handler and sheep to train a sheepdog to understand each other, and learn its craft in a natural stress and panic free way.  
I am absolutely interested in this seminar. well it is too far to attend so I am still researching about this. I really want to Koto to be thinking dog and don't want her to feel anxious and worried about making mistakes. Her confidence and focus is getting stronger than before since we started "complete correction free" life. 
The excesice we will start with Koto this week: using long stick and soccer ball to teach over, away, quick response to command and self control around excitable object! 

ハーディングレッスンは今回で10回目でした。10回やってみて何か目に見えた変化があったのでしょうか?もちろん私生活や私達との関係には変化が見られます。でもパートナーと話し合ってもやはり琴ちゃんの羊を追う体勢や行動はあまり変わっていない様子。まだ全速力で走るし吠えるし冷静に判断できない、お 陰で私達も真剣に本や映像でハーディングの勉強中。イギリスのアストラシープドッグセンターというBCブリーダー、羊犬トレーナーのセミナーでナチュラル ケーナインコミュニケーションというセミナーのを見つけました。羊犬人間の自然な行動学を理解し、お互いに慣れ、ストレスやパニックの無い関係を築く練習 をする様です。興味しんしん!琴は感受性の高い子なのでいかにマイルドなコレクション(ショックカラーもNG)も「間違えたら怒られるぅ」という感じで臆病になります。コレクションフリー(Noやeh ehもNG)の生活に変えてから めまぐるしく彼 女の自信とやる気がパワーアップした事と、彼女の集中力の強さに毎日驚かされます。琴にはとても良さそうな内容なので、リサーチしてもっと勉強します
We did agility practice at Kepala too. 
we did 2x2 pole entry practice, contact practice and just made her to feel agility is fun!  Well.. the end of the day She's got 3 breeding pads. Poor koto, She is totally in a pain and  is in bed all day.  Terrible terrible mum..hope she will learn to not to run too quickly.
ハーディングスクールの向いにアジリティレンタルコートがあります。1時間5ドルなので2x2、コ ンタクトの練習をしてきました。でも!ー琴のパットがぱっくりはがれてました。2週間続けて3本も。今日は全くベットから動きません,珍しく酷い疲れ方。遊びすぎた。


pretty parrots galah

Pink Galah is one of the most common parrots in Australia 
and it can be found in everywhere in Australia.  
I usually see them at the park, eating grass roots, 
but recently saw troop of them near the beach! 
Their voice is very loud, but super cute!  


9th Herding

先週の琴のハーディングは元に戻りました!まだ羊に向って吠えてはいましたが、しっかりシェパードのディーンの指示に従い(少しタイミングが遅いけど)彼がこの環境の主導権を しっかり握っていました!今回は随分頭を使って羊の動かし方を考えているように見えました:)どんどん こうやって冷静に物事を判断できる子になってほしいもんです。。そして私達の大きな変化は今回から一切コレクションなし。音でのコレクションはまだ使わないといけない時がありますが、絶対に”ノー”といったり怒ったりは無しです。ハーディングでも出来たら褒める、やって欲しい事を教えるのPositive Reinforcementだけでレッスンしていきます!写真は琴の双子では?と言われているsassyちゃん、琴の隣で羊を覗くのがAbbyちゃん、左の写真がSouthAustraliaのNorm FarmクーリーのRasta。下がBCのsasha! 可愛い子ばかりで私の方がウキウキでした。

Koto was pretty good at last herding, was not show feral(?) behavior at all this time! She was much better and let Dean to control space. She was thinking much more than just rounding up.  The big change for us is we decided to never use correction(strong NO or Yelling) to Koto at Herding lesson.  We will be consist in positive reinforcement, might have to use sound to correct her but never ever say NO! I finally got a picture of beautiful BC Sassy(Agility instructor's dog),Abby next to Koto. They both looks like Koto so much! We met other new beautiful new dog Rasta the Coolie (Norm's Coolie's puppy) on left side picture and below is BC girl Sasha.  many cute & great dogs!


winter dinners

めっきり冬のメルボルン。日も短いしどうしても温かい家でご飯を食べる事が増えます!近くの図書館には最新のレシピ本が沢山あるので、まず3週間程借りて何品か作ってみて 美味しく出来たらその本を購入するようにしています。夕食の為のソースやダシ汁、ストックを週末に作り 朝、魚や野菜を漬けたりマリネにしたりやはり料理は時間をかける、愛情を注ぐ、これだけで本当に美味しさ倍増です♪
We mostly stay in home during Melbourne's long winter nights.  We've been enjoying new recipe books from local library where have the latest range of books.  during this 3 weeks of rent, I cook 3-4 dishes from the book, if we love it, then buy that book.  very economical way to understand cooking and different recipes:) Picuture above are 1) Greentea, citrus and orange zest,lemon grass tea rub, coated on white fish with fennel, orange and pasta salada
2) Seafood Paella!! 


new friend nannu

今日はNZ Border CollieのNannuちゃんとアニマルサイエンス、行動学を勉強中の飼い主さんに会いました!

We met NZ Border Collie Nannu and her owner Tammie who is studying animal science at university. Koto chased the car at the car park today.. then the driver came out and told me that my dog used to do the exactly the same! There was very excitable looking BC in the back seat! Doesn't like dogs, chase, and only interested in Ball fetch at the park.. typical working dog breed character! She fixed this Nannu's behavior reinforcing to focus on her when near the fast moving object, then tried to became the most interesting thing in the world to avoid sudden chasing.  that's exactly what I do with Koto for long time.  She stop chasing for awhile when we start herding but she has started again after many weeks of away from the school.  Well, I just have to trust her and be patient, keep trying to be the most interesting thing in her world:) They both had a great ball chasing together after all tension.  It was great socialization day under the sun for all of us!


dog walker

I found this picture from Koto's vet web-page. wow,,There are about 12 dogs with him..small,mid, to large various breeds. what a champion or even nerd..! thought what is in his back pack.. hope not all doggy poo bags..


Trick shot :)


Cold July has started

1st of July! wow, 2010 is in half way.  I am back in School from this month, and Koto is back in backyard during we were out and I am a bit worried about her.  She lost 2 of the best friends (Monkey&Molly)and I would not be home all the time anymore. so I am seriously dreaming of getting another one who can be Koto's best and forever friend.  well.. wait and see. We must make sure if we have enough time for 2 Border Collies!
7月になりました。今年は半分終わったんですね、早い!今月から学校に戻るので琴も裏庭で留守番の日々に戻ります。最近大親友のモリーとマンキーを失った彼女、少し心配なので 2匹目の事を毎日考えているこのごろです。良い出会いがありますように。。